Our Nature in Detail shop is online with original digital prints

Inventory of our seeds for the vegetable garden. It’s January, a good time to review our seed stock. We started our first year in the vegetable garden in 2024, but the gardening season was already underway and we didn’t make as much progress as we had hoped. Emigrating in the same year had a significant impact, but it was still great to be able to work on and in the vegetable garden.

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Inventory of our seeds for the vegetable garden

Inventory of our seeds for the vegetable garden. It’s January, a good time to review our seed stock. We started our first year in the vegetable garden in 2024, but the gardening season was already underway and we didn’t make as much progress as we had hoped. Emigrating in the same year had a significant impact, but it was still great to be able to work on and in the vegetable garden.

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#28 Dehydrating Food & Building a Library: The Ultimate Homesteading Update

Preserving and using the dehydrator Finally our kitchen is becoming much more usable as we are still renovating it. Our goal is to make it usable and in the meantime upgrade it when possible and when we want to. Also one of the goals is to add a solar power outlet to it. To use the solar power bank when full and also to use solar power when the sun in shining. And so we want to see how much our dehydrator is using from our solar power.

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